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Solar Installation Process

The solar installation process at Annex Solar is straightforward and easy. We want to make your life hassle-free and provide you with the best customer service. That is why our solar installation process takes seven simple steps to follow.


Annex Solar will review the site plan and create a solar agreement for the customer to sign. Once the site plan is approved, our team will schedule an on-site visit to analyze the property.


The team members will conduct and finalize the final site plan. Our team will handle and take care of all the paperwork for our customers.


Annex Solar will get city permit approval. As soon as the city approves the permit, our installation team will begin their installation.


After the installation, an inspector will follow up with our team to inspect the property.


Upon completion and approval of the installation, our team will start with system monitoring granting permission to operate.


Our beloved customers will start enjoying their new solar panels and start saving effectively on their first day. 


The sales team at Annex Solar will follow up with the customer for feedback. 

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